Easily share your contact details, instantly saving to smartphones. Keep yourself readily accessible and memorable to your network
Input all necessary contact details such as name, phone number, email, address, and additional information using a vCard generator tool or application.
Utilize a QR Code generator that supports vCard formats. Input the vCard information and select the vCard type and customize to generate your vCard QR Code.
Download the generated QR Code in image format and use it on business cards, email signatures, websites, or any digital or physical materials to share your contact information effortlessly.
Those interested in adding more information like social media links to their vCard QR Code may consider using a Dynamic QR Code, offering functionalities beyond basic contact information such as social media integration, editable content, and scan tracking.
No. A generated QR Code from the vCard QR Code Generator remains permanent due to its static nature. This means the content cannot be altered or tracked once it's created. To access features such as content editing and scan tracking, consider signing up to generate Dynamic QR Codes.
Our current Static vCard QR Code only accommodates a single website link, allowing for the inclusion of your LinkedIn profile, for instance. If you aim to connect numerous social media accounts, we recommend utilizing a link page QR Code for optimal support.
Indeed, with our QR Code API, you have the ability to generate multiple vCards. Seamlessly integrate this feature directly into your application, allowing for the creation of vCard QR Codes for various purposes like employee business cards, staff IDs, event badges, and more without the need for individual creation. Additionally, the API offers options to include colors, QR Code frames with calls-to-action, and even logos for further customization.
Yes, certainly. All vCards generated using our vCard QR Code generator are compatible with Android, iOS, MS Outlook, Google Contacts, and numerous other platforms. They are standardized VCF files that can be recognized and accessed by any address book or contacts program.
Our present vCard QR Code doesn't offer the option to upload an image file within the vCard. You can use a dynamic linkpage like https://linktr.ee to show your details like photo, social media accounts and more.